About us

The School of the Freudian Letter UK (SFL UK)

The SFL UK is the UK society of the School of the Freudian Letter, and organises activities to facilitate psychoanalytic work, including seminars, cartels, clinical conferences, welcoming colleagues from the UK and abroad.

Colleagues within the society will be organising events in the UK, as well as facilitating links with the work of the wider working community of this School-in-Formation.


The School of the Freudian Letter

The School of the Freudian Letter (SFL) is a school of psychoanalytic formation. The principle of formation is here taken as a work-in-progress: for Analysands, for this school (SFL) and for psychoanalysis itself. With Freud and Lacan as prominent companions in this work, the SFL welcomes those “who are interested in their action, to that which consists in this essential change of ethical and subjective motivation introduced into our world by analysis.”[i]

The School of the Freudian Letter, then, invites the participation of Analysands whose desire includes making psychoanalysis exist in their world through their act.

An Analysand is here deemed to be a desiring subject; one who opts for psychoanalysis as offering ways of responding to the unbearable real of their symptom. What is axiomatic for the School of the Freudian Letter resides in realising psychoanalysis as a key compass for navigating this real of our experience; at once disturbing while harbouring elements of awareness for orienting each in their actions. 

It is an axiom that gives place to a social bond wrought from this real and therefrom renewed according to the encounter between contingency and the pulses of desire. The transformation of the unbearable of the symptom through work in language is realised as a writing of what Lacan came to term ‘Sinthome or, beyond this, the very calligraphies of an embodied desire in motion. As each engages in their collaborative work in the name of the School of the Freudian Letter, an act realising desire is discerned with the School acting as its facilitator and auditor.

This invitation to constitute the School of the Freudian Letter is a response to unending challenges of our world, of life itself; challenges as they confront each of us in the multiple horizons of our experience and at our very knotting as speaking beings. 

The SFL draws on a non-local field of desire and ideas. It is localised and particularised through people and places where its societies facilitate encounters that resonate in ways that give body to it. 


[i] Lacan, J Problèmes cruciaux pour la psychoanalyse ou Les positions sujectives de l’etre. 1964-1965 Lecon janvier 27 1965 “Je veux ici des gens qui soient intéressés dans leur action, à ce que comporte ce changement essentiel de la motivation éthique et subjective qu'introduit dans notre monde, l'analyse.” http://gaogoa.free.fr/SeminaireS.htm

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